
Special Needs Planning

Caring for, protecting and providing for a special needs loved one can be a full-time job. Most often when we meet clients with special needs children or loved ones, their main concern is how to provide financially for the disabled individual in their life while maintaining his or her Medicaid or Social Security benefits. Questions like, “Do I have to disinherit my special needs child so that she can receive Medicaid?” are common.

At Warner Law Firm we answer those questions and provide personalized plans that take into consideration financial goals, benefit protection and long-term care planning for your special needs loved one. We have the knowledge and expertise to guide families through the complex maze of public assistance benefits and estate & settlement planning tools.

Special Needs Trusts are one tool that a special needs planning attorney may use. A special needs trust is a trust created by our firm that allows funds to be held for the benefit of a disabled individual without causing a loss of Medicaid or Social Security benefits, such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI). While the concept of special needs trusts is straight forward, the proper design and implementation of them is anything but. This is because there are many different types of Medicaid and other public assistance programs available, each with its own set of eligibility rules. A well-drafted special needs trust will take into consideration current regulations, benefit eligibility requirements, financial goals and care planning for your loved one.

Contact us today for comprehensive and compassionate planning for your special needs loved one.



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Anderson Center
7850 Five Mile Road
Cincinnati, OH 45230


Local:  513-449-2111
Toll Free:  1-844-415-2111



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